Anique Taylor
    The Alphabet Series is a group of 27 paintings (each alphabet letter plus the &).     
    I scan my paintings into the computer, collage them into letter forms. I use these compositions as a basis to carefully draw completely new pieces with colored pencils, acrylic and oil paint, which I mount onto canvas.
    My paintings are created from combinations of mixed media - printmaking (hand-tinted linoleum cuts) drawing, watercolor, acrylic and oil paints. I build wood inlay to surround and connect separate canvasses with individually cut pieces of wood as painted frames included as part of the painting.
I am intrigued with detail, juxtapositions, color, and abundance- wanting every inch of my paintings to teem with life and caring through detail and texture. Whether the subject matter be urban, suburban or mythical, each painting is a network of tightly interwoven patterns and tones juxtaposed with people, plants, animals, houses, and scenes from both modern and mythical life, in both real and surreal situations. All colors are carefully balanced to vibrate deeply with each other.
    The subject matter is about our individual journeys or the reattainment of primeval bliss.
    I am working on a book of journal work exercises, meditations and quotes - based on the history, meaning and philosophic roots of each alphabet letter.